Accelerometer IC measures low-g forces with 0.005-g resolution
Chip provides a complete acceleration measurement system
The ADXL05 is offered as the industry's first single-chip integrated low-g
accelerometer that resolves minute changes in acceleration–from 0 to +/-5 g
full scale–with 0.005-g resolution. The device contains all the
signal-processing blocks of a complete acceleration system: a micromachined
sensor, modulator, demodulator, voltage reference, signal conditioning,
amplification, and on-command self-test circuitry.
Unlike piezoelectric devices, the ADXL05 provides a true dc (gravity) response
for precision tilt and inertial measurement systems. Piezoresistive devices are
less precise and more expensive.
The ADXL05 operates from a single +5-V supply and produces a user-selectable
output signal of up to 1 V/g with a typical nonlinearity of 0.3% FS. The chip
is packaged in a hermetic 10-pin TO-100 metal can. (From $9.95
ea/10,000–available now.)
Analog Devices, Inc., Norwood, MA
Information 617-937-1428
Fax 617-821-4273
The ADXL05 low-g accelerometer is a complete acceleration measurement system on
a chip.