1–W converters have short-circuit protection
The AM1DR-RZ and AM1MR-Z dc/dc converter series feature continuous output short-circuit protection to protect the load circuit and the converter from dangerously high current levels. Offered in a choice of ultra-miniature packages, The AM1DR-RZ is available in a SIP7 package, and the AM1MR-Z comes in a DIP14 case. They operate at fixed inputs of 5, 12, and 24 Vdc with ±10% tolerance.
The dc/dc converters provide regulated and protected output voltages 3.3, 5, 7.2, 9.12, 15 Vdc and feature a load regulation of ±0.5%. Each of the 18 models in the series feature I/O isolation of 1,000 Vdc, allowing them to be configured for reverse polarity on the output or to be wired in series. They operate from –40° to 85°C without derating. (From $5.58 ea/1,000 — available now.)
Aimtec , Montreal , Quebec , Canada
Information 888-9AIMTEC (924-6832)
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