The OX200-SC 10.0 MHz ovenized third overtone SC cut crystal oscillator features frequency stability of ±1.5 ppb within over 0° to 70°C. Frequency calibration is guaranteed to be better than ±25 ppb with control set to 2.5 V. Frequency control (EFC) can vary the frequency ±0.2 ppm over 0-4V.
Aging is specified to be less than 0.2 ppb/day after 30 days and 60 ppb total after 5 years. Frequency tolerance for five years is guaranteed to be less than 0.1 ppm. Typical phase noise levels are -85 dBc/Hz @ 1 Hz and -145 dBc/Hz @ 1 kHz. It come in a 36 x 27 mm 5-pin hermetically sealed “Euro” CO8 package.
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