The IQRB-1 high performance rubidium oscillator offers a stability nearly 1,000 times better than a typical oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO). The 10.00 MHz oscillator has a base accuracy of ±0.05 ppb at 25°C and operates at -30° to +65°C with a temperature coefficient of 5 x 10-10 (0 to 50°C).
Power consumption is up to 6 W maximum with a warm up time of typically 5 minutes and the devices sine wave output can drive a 50 Ω load. The units supply voltage can be 12 to 18 V and phase noise is typically less than -95 dBc/Hz at 10 Hz and -127 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz. The unit comes in a 5-pin 51 mm square package and costs $1142 each.
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