11-MHz op amp uses 1-mA supply current
The LT1200 is a unity-gain-stable voltage-feedback op amp with an 11-MHz
unity-gain bandwidth and a 50-V/μs slew rate. It uses a typical supply
current of only 1 mA and operates from single +5- to +/-15-V supplies.
The LT1200's dc specifications include a 1.0-mV maximum offset voltage and
a settling time of 430 ns for a 10-V step to 0.1% of final value. The
device has a minimum output drive current of 6 mA and can drive all
capacitive loads. It is available in 8-pin DIPs and SO packages. (From $2.
95 ea/100–stock.) Linear Technology Corp. Milpitas, CA Information
800-637-5545 Fax 408-434-0507