12-bit scopes provide low-noise signal views
The Infiniium 9000 H-Series consists of four high-definition oscilloscopes with bandwidths of 250 MHz, 500 MHz, 1 GHz, and 2 GHz. They not only offer up to 12-bit vertical resolution — 50% more than typical digital scopes — but also have the industry's deepest standard memory — up to 100 Mpoints/channel. Further, the scopes can work with the N2820A and N2821A ac/dc current probes, with sensitivity down to 50 uA and 5-A maximum current range.
The combination of scope and probe lets users view small signals using hypersampling and linear noise-reduction technology to provide noise levels three times lower than 8-bit oscilloscopes. (Scopes from $14,950; probes from $3,000 — scopes available now; probes can be ordered Feb. 1.)
By Richard Comerford
Agilent Technologies , Santa Clara , CA
Sales 800-829-4444
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