Magnachip Semiconductor has developed a 1,200-V, 75-A insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) in a TO-247PLUS package for applications that depend on strict power ratings and high efficiency. Meeting JEDEC standards, the new IGBT can be used in a range of applications including solar inverters, converters, uninterruptible power supply systems and general-purpose inverters.
The new MBQA75T120RFS joins Magnachip’s previously introduced IGBT family for solar inverters, including the 1,200-V, 40-A IGBT (MBQ40T120QFS) and the 650-V, 75-A IGBT (MBQ75T65PEH).
The TO-247PLUS packaging delivers a wide heat spreader, enhances power efficiency and improves heat dissipation when compared to a TO-247 package. It reduces conduction loss by over 14% compared to a previous generation, ensuring stable operation and greater system reliability in overload conditions, Magnachip said.
Magnachip’s solar energy IGBT product family
“With this new product launch, Magnachip’s solar energy power product lineup has been further strengthened and now boasts high-performance IGBTs and MXT MV MOSFETs that satisfy the technical requirements of applications in the solar energy market,” said YJ Kim, CEO of Magnachip, in a statement.
Magnachip’s solar energy MXT MV MOSFET product family
The new MBQA75T120RFS can replace two 40-A IGBTs, improving design flexibility. It also incorporates a fast recovery anti-parallel diode removing residual current, reducing switching losses and guaranteeing a maximum operating junction temperature of 175°C.
Mass production of the MBQA75T120RFS will begin in October 2024.
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