What are people actually doing with their electronic devices?
Today, kids are toying with smartphones from as young as three years old and senior citizens have become a popular consumer in the mobile device department. We make voice calls, text message, shop, surf the web, and take photos with our phones and tablets, but I bet you didn’t know about these interesting (and slightly shocking) statistics about Americans’ cell phone behavior.
1. 44% of cell phone owners sleep with their phone next to their bed (Pew Research Center)
2. 74% of consumers will only wait 5 seconds for a web page to load on their mobile device before abandoning the site (JBM Consulting)
3. 47% of teens can text with their eyes closed (Harris Interactive)
4. 69% of seniors (ages 65 and older) own a cell phone (Pew Research Center)
5. Seniors still favor traditional TV over other electronics: they average 220 hours and 55 minutes of television viewing per month ( New Media Trend Watch)
6. The average American spends one hour of quality time with a smartphone every day. (Experian Marketing Services)
7. 39% of 2-to-4-year-old children have used a mobile device (Common Sense Media)
8. The average teen sends about 60 text messages a day (Pew Research Center)
9. 29% of cell phone owners say they “can’t imagine living without” their cell phone (Pew Research Center)
10. 75% of Americans bring their cell phones to the bathroom (11Mark)
11. 19% of people have dropped their phones in the toilet (Plaxo)
12. 16% of people’s cell phones have fecal matter on them (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
13. Driving while using a cellphone reduces the amount of brain activity associated with driving by 37% (Carnegie Mellon)
14. At any given daylight moment across America, approximately 660,000 drivers are using cell phones or manipulating electronic devices while driving (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
15. 15% of people admitted to answering their cell phone while being intimate with their partner (Wilson Electronics)
Some infographics that may interest you:
ESET & Harris study 2013.
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