
2015’s emerging cyber threats report is released

Loss of privacy, abuse of trust among top threats to general consumer

Every year, the folks at Georgia Tech put together a report that itemizes immediate cyber threats that the general consumer should be aware of. 

Specifically, the list is put together by the Georgia Tech Information Security Center and the Georgia Tech Research Institute. 

Cyber threat

In its latest edition, the Emerging Cyber Threats Report warns about loss of privacy, abuse of trust between users and machines, attacks against mobile systems, rogue insiders, and the increasing involvement of cyberspace in nation-state disputes.

Cyber warfare

These topics are discussed at greater length within the actual report, which was released at the 12th annual Georgia Tech Cyber Security Summit (link at the bottom), considered by many in the field to be the Atlanta IT community’s most important event in terms of cyber security. 

Observations are summarized in the list below:

• While technology enables greater surveillance, policy to regulate the reach of this growing technology lags behind

• Attackers will continue to target the trust between users and machines

• Mobile devices will continue to be the primary target for attackers, and this will continue to stress the development of better security measures of this particular ecosystem

• Rogue insiders will pose the greatest threat in terms of causing the most damage, and there are no solutions that are simple or easy in terms of dealing with them

• Low-intensity, online-based, nation-state conflicts will become the rule, not the exception. 

“We must continue to invest in research and develop technology, processes and policies that help society deal with these developments,” said GTISC Director Wenke Lee. “Researchers from academia, the private sector, and government must continue to work together and share information on emerging threats, make improvements to policy, and educate users.”

Download the full 2015 Emerging Cyber Threats Report.

Via Georgia Tech


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