
24me Announces First Android Version Release with Proactive ‘ProcrastinationFighter’

Productivity app features a function that identifies available calendar slots and matches overdue tasks

24me Procrastination Fighter App

24me, creator of the Next Generation Personal Assistant, announced the roll-out of its Android version with unveiled additions and features added to the Smart Personal Assistant, which automates tasks and connects to personal accounts. 

The ultra-productivity multipurpose app is built around the idea of being an ‘all in one’ personal assistant. The iOS version of 24me provides a full suite of productivity tools, including a Predictive Calendar, Automatic Task Manager, Smart Notes, and My Links with connection to real life accounts – all fully synced with each other. 24me adds events to users’ calendars to help them automatically complete everyday tasks using smart personal notifications. For instance, users will be reminded about upcoming bills, meetings, or other tasks and can take actions such as paying a bill, sending a gift, or arranging to have their dry cleaning picked up – all from 24me, and directly from the calendar.

The Android version of 24me, which goes live today, is featured in Google Play’s “New and Updated Apps” section, and provides one of the most advanced task managers for Android, with connections to Real life accounts: social networks, service providers, financial institutions and an Errands marketplace. Reminders are generated automatically with timely “action buttons,” allowing users to pay bills on the spot with one tap, post birthday greetings, purchase and send gifts from the in-app gift store, and outsource errands to professionals.

“We are very excited to launch the Android version, which was anticipated by so many people for so long. It is another great achievement for us in our journey to build a cross platform solution of a Smart Personal Assistant that serves people all over the world,” said 24me CEO Gilad Hertanu. “With the information overload people face these days, 24me helps by bringing together everything related to the schedule into a single smart product. We have big plans for 2015 and we are thrilled for the opportunity to introduce 24me on Android. The Android version will soon rise up to be on par with the iOS version, providing users the most robust personal assistant to help manage time and celebrate life.”

The app integrates thousands of financial and service accounts in United States (users outside of the U.S. can manually configure their financial accounts), so that notifications from utility companies, cable companies and banks can all be viewed on one screen, without having to painstakingly configure each task manually.

About 24me:
24me was founded by the couple Liat Mordechay and Gilad Hertanu, entrepreneurs and parents of three. As Gilad was building a solution to help his wife, Liat, cope with her ADHD, that gave birth to the unique concept of 24me. The husband and wife team has created one of leading apps for time management that was selected by Apple as App Store Best of 2014 in many countries around the world. The company has recently published a summary report for consumer usage of apps, retention and best practices for growing retention.

Users can find 24me on Google Play and well as in the App Store


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