The ADAS1131 256-channel 24-bit current-to-digital converter module comes in a 15 x 15 mm BGA package and features power dissipation of just 3 mW/channel at any throughput. Integral non-linearity is ±0.015% of reading, ±0.4 ppm of FSR with a single channel active and ±0.050% of reading, ±1.0 ppm of FSR with all channels active.
The device targets medical, security, and industrial CT scanner applications. The converters fastest integration rate is 11.656 kS/S (86 μs) at 20-bit resolution and outputs are on a single LVDS self-clocked serial interface. The IC also has two higher speed A/D converters with resolutions to 24 bits. Samples available now. $304 ea/1,000.
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