256-Mbit RAM features fast data transfer and low power
3.5-Gbyte/s consumer FCRAM memory uses wide 64-bit I/O bus and lower speed
Using a wide 64-bit I/O bus so that it can run at a lower frequency, the MB81EDS256545 256-Mbit FCRAM (Fast Cycle RAM) requires no termination resistors and uses approx 1 W less than equivalent DDR2 memories. The chip runs on 1.7 to 1.95 V and features a 3.5-Gbyte/s max data transfer rate.
The device clocks at 216 MHz with an access time of 4.6-ns maximum, and takes 300 mA max with a 20-µA deep power down. It is available in wafer format for SiP integration or a wafer-level package. ($10 ea/sample — samples available now.)
Fujitsu Microelectronics America , Sunnyvale , CA
Sales 408-737-5600
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