The TC1782 is part of the AUDO MAX family of 32-bit processors for automotive applications. The 133/180 MHz device includes a two-channel FlexRay module, sophisticated DSP capabilities, a peripheral control processor, fast interrupt response, 2.5 Mbytes of program flash, and 176 Kbytes of RAM.
The chip operates at 40° to 125°C and supports design of engine management systems meeting the strict Euro 5 and Euro 6 emission standards. It has a Micro Link Interface (MLI), three CAN nodes, a four-channel fast A/D, and a 32-channel standard A/D converter. The TC1793 and TC1798 versions of the family will operate up to 300 MHz. (Approx. $9.36 ea/10,000 samples September, production 1st qtr.)
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