32-bit processor SoC targets display systems
The MB91590 32-bit processor SoC targets color display, video input, and meter control systems for automotive dashboard and human–machine-interface applications. The chip features 128 MHz CPU speed, 1 Mbyte of flash, a 800 × 480 resolution graphics display controller that can support two LCD displays, and a 800-Kbyte frame buffer memory for graphics (VRAM).
The IC has a single-precision floating-point unit and a memory protection unit providing selective access. The rendering engine can operate in combination with the video-capture and NTSC-decoder functions to enable image manipulation, including zooming and 90° rotation. It has a 10-bit A/D converter, and multifunction serial, CAN, and LIN I/O. (From $18 ea/sample qty — samples available now.)
Fujitsu Semiconductor America , Sunnyvale , CA
Sales 800-866-8608
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