I have feelings about food. I have special feelings about food that is chocolate, or chocolate related—meaning my reaction to finding out that someone was showing off two 3D printers that can make complex chocolate and sugar-based sweets was pretty much this:
And by pretty much I mean exactly
These two devices—the Chefjet and the Chefjet Pro—combine three of my favorite things: chocolate, things that create chocolate, and 3D printing. EP covered the trial of a similar device back in September, but U.S. technology firm 3D Systems has just unveiled their two versions at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas among around 30 other companies displaying 3D printing tech. 3D Systems has plans to release both of these later in the year.
Take a look at what they can do, I guarantee you’ll make the same face I did:
Sweet. Literally.
Their smaller version, the Chefjet, can only create monochromatic sweets, while the Chefjet Pro is capable of creating multicolored objects. Each printer can create objects out of chocolate or sugar that’s infused with flavors including vanilla, mint, sour apple, cherry and watermelon, but the larger Chefjet Pro can mix together different ingredients to print edible pictures that can then be wrapped around cakes or other foods.
3D Systems developed the printers after their acquisition over a tech-start up in Los Angeles, according to BBC, where they modified similar models that were previously designed to simply show how designs would look, rather than create an actual product.
Both models use a layered printing process to create their sweets, with the first layer of sugar followed by a spray of water by a jet print head, which turns the sugar into hardened crystal structures. This repeats until you have your object, allowing both printers to create chocolate and sugar shapes that would be difficult by other means.
“Food-safe” 3D printers are being developed and even sold by other companies, including Spanish technology company’s Foodini (which can also create ravioli pasta as well as chocolate, interestingly enough) and a version funded by NASA for astronaut use, but the Chefjet and Chefjet Pro will reportedly be the most advanced of these devices.
Which leads me to the only severe hiccup in 3D System’s design: their prices. Finding out that the Chefjet would cost around $5,000, with the Pro twice that…
There were emotions; you get the point. Did I actually expect to be able to afford one? God no, but I also didn’t expect them to be out of pretty much everyone’s price range. According to experts, the printers’ prices are highly likely to damage sales, despite how useful they would be in businesses like restaurants or bakeries.
Which is sad, because can you imagine waking into a bakery and asking for 3D-printed, individualized chocolates? I can, and it’s awesome. Sigh.
Source BBC.