60-W dc/dc converter sets new benchmark for size, power density
The PI3101 Cool-Power high-density isolated dc/dc converter delivers 60-W of output power in half the size of existing solutions, setting a new standard for power density by delivering over 105 W/in.2 It combines isolation, voltage transformation, and output regulation into a surface-mount Power-System-in-Package (PSiP) platform with a 0.57-in.2 footprint and a 0.27-in. profile. It suits applications where board space, airflow, and height dimensions are limited, such as advanced telecom and wireless infrastructure, networking and communications, PoE applications, and high-speed server platforms.
The isolated converter features power conversion and isolation at the point-of-load and provides a 36 to 75-Vdc input and a regulated 3.3-Vdc output at up to 18 A. It withstands input voltage transients up to 100 V for 100 ms and provides 2,250-V input-to-output isolation. The converter can replace 16th-bricks or discrete-based designs with a 50% reduction in total solution area. Programmable features include ±10% output voltage trimming, programmable soft-start capability, remote on/off enable, and a temperature monitor function. ($29.97 ea/1,000 — available late June.)
Picor , North Smithfield , RI
Carl Smith 401-235-1111
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