600−/1000−W supplies charge secondary batteries
The HWS-L/BAT series industrial grade 600− and 1000−W power supplies charge secondary batteries such as lithium ion and lead acid types that are used in emergency power backup systems. The supplies can also be used in applications that require a constant current source such as UPS battery charging, wastewater treatment, and electrolysis applications.
The HWS-L/BAT series suits small to medium emergency backup systems that use rechargeable batteries with a nominal voltage of 24− or 48−Vdc. The supplies can operate in a parallel mode and can accommodate a wide range of battery capacities. The units include embedded trim potentiometers for adjusting the charge current and maximum output voltage. The supplies have a profile of 2.4 in. and an operating temperature range from −20° up to +74°C. (From $365 ea/100 — available now.)
By Paul O’Shea
TDK-Lambda Americas , San Diego , CA , United States
Mel Berman 619-628-2859
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