Three M4i.66xx series PCIe arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) are said to set new standards in speed and precision. The units offer one, two, and four channels with each channel capable of outputting electronic signals from ±200 mV to ±5 V with 16-bit vertical resolution at rates up to 625 Msamples/s. This capability suits the instruments for generating high-frequency/high-fidelity signals to 200 MHz for testing communications (radio, radar), semiconductors, nanotechnology, ultrasound,, optics, and in medical and biological science.
To allow generation of long and complex waveforms, the AWG's include a 2 GSamples on-board memory and operating modes such as single-shot, loop, FIFO, gating, and sequence-replay. The latter mode lets users store different waveform segments in memory and concatenate and loop them in a sequence. Furthermore one can switch between stored waveforms by software command or overload waveforms in run-time. In FIFO mode the cards use an ultra-fast PCIe x8 Gen2 interface to stream data continuously from the PC memory to the AWG at speeds in excess of 1.5 Gbyte/s. If two or four channels are used, outputs are fully synchronized with a common clock. The AWGs are available immediately and drivers for Windows and Linux are included. Also, support is provided for Visual C++, Borland C++, Gnu C++, LabVIEW, Visual Basic, VB.NET, C#, J#, Python, and Delphi code.
Spectrum Instrumentation,
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