While we often cover futuristic methods of defense, rare are the stories that detail the high-tech weapons currently in use by militaries today.
From rifles that allow its shooter to take aim from behind a corner to guns that can fire up to 700 rounds a minute whilst underwater, there are some pretty impressive high-tech weaponry being used on the battlefield nowadays.
Per Business Insider, here’s seven of the more noteworthy:
ADS : Used by Russian Special Forces, the ADS is an underwater assault rifle that shoot off 700 rounds per minute at a range of about 80 feet.
Armatix iP1 : Includes a fingerprint-enabled watch to be within 25cm of it to fire. The point? So that it can’t be used against its owner.
Canada’s futuristic rifle : There’s no official title this Canadian shmorgasbord of weaponry, but it’s being designed to hold a standard semi-automatic rifle as well as a shotgun or grenade launcher attachment.
CornerShot : One of the more impressively designed forms of firepower presently in use, CornerShot allows its user to take aim and shoot from around corners. What’s more, it can be used as either a semi-automatic pistol, or a grenade launcher.
Liberator : A 3D printed pistol made of plastic—it’s design plans were released online and can still be found on the Pirate Bay.
‘PHASR’ Rifle : PHASR stands for “personal halting and stimulation response”. It was developed by the US Department of Defense and is non-lethal; instead, it’s intended to temporarily blind its targets with lasers, whereupon they can be apprehended.
XM25 CDTE : A grenade launcher that projects spiraling grenades through the air and tracks how far they travel for an exact – and precise – moment of detonation.
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