If your new project requires short-range wireless communication capabilities, there are several to choose from. Each technology has its advantages and disadvantages, and the optimal choice depends on the application. Here are 7 things to consider when selecting a wireless technology for your product:
Data transfer speed
If the most important feature is for your product to have high-speed data throughout, then Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi Direct is the best option. An access point is typically required for standard Wi-Fi, often through a router. To transfer information from one device to another, the data must pass through the access point.
Wi-Fi Direct is as fast as standard Wi-Fi, but eliminates the need for an access point. It allows direct device-to-device communication similarly to Bluetooth. Both have a maximum data throughput approximately 10x faster than what is obtainable with Bluetooth Classic. If your application requires video streaming, you’ll need a notably high speed wireless connection that Bluetooth technology will not be able to provide.
Operating range
Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct have a maximum transmission range of approximately 200 feet. Bluetooth (Classic or BLE) has a maximum range of only 60 feet. The increased range of Wi-Fi is possible because of its higher transmission power. However, the trade-off for this range is a decreased battery life. Wi-Fi drains the battery faster than Bluetooth does.
Power usage vs. battery life/size
A larger transmission range and faster data transfer speeds increase your usage, which in turn means shorter battery life. If battery life and size are priorities for your product, then power usage is tremendously important. The best wireless technology for ultra-low power applications is Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE), which was developed for the Internet of Things (IoT) applications that often run from a single watch battery. A carefully designed BLE device can run for many years on a small watch battery because most BLE products are made to transmit data only occasionally.
Smartphone compatibility
If capability with older smartphones is crucial for your product, then Bluetooth Classic or standard Wi-Fi are your best options. All smartphones support Bluetooth Classic and Wi-Fi, but only newer ones are compatible with Bluetooth Low-Energy and Wi-Fi Direct.
Bluetooth Classic, Bluetooth Low-Energy, Wi-Fi, and Wi-Fi Direct all provide high level security. However, Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct use 256-bit encryption, whereas Bluetooth Classic and LE use only 128-bit. For most applications, Bluetooth supplies adequate security protection. However, if security is a very high priority for your product, then Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi Direct is the best solution.
Development cost and complexity
Two hardware functions are required for wireless functionality: an RF transceiver and a microcontroller or microprocessor that executes the wireless protocol firmware (also referred to as a stack). A System-On-a-Chip (SoC) solution integrates both the transceiver and microcontroller into a single chip, making the process much simpler. Using a single chip and including the wireless protocol stack already built-in eliminates the possibility of problems.
Bluetooth Low-Energy is the easiest and most cost-effective type of wireless functionality to apply to a new product, and all BLE offerings are single-chip SoC solutions.
Manufacturing unit cost
Another critical value is the production cost per unit, which determines profit margin. Early units that use wireless modules will have a high unit cost. When creating a new product, the priority should be to minimize the development costs and not the manufacturing unit cost.
Ultimately, with a new product design, there will be trade-offs between the each wireless technology. No technology is best for every single application, which forces users to prioritize the specifications that are the most critical for their product.
Source: Makezine
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