The dual-channel, 8-bit MAX19505/MAX19506/MAX19507 A/D converters sample at 65-, 100-, and 130 Msample/s, while consuming 43, 57, and 74 mW of analog power per channel, respectively. Additionally, these ADCs achieve a 49.8-dBFS SNR and 69-dBc SFDR at 70 MHz.
They include a self-sensing, analog supply regulator that allows the user to operate the parts from 1.8-, 2.5-, or 3.3-V analog supplies with no external regulator. In addition, they feature single-ended or differential clock inputs, analog inputs with a wide, 0.4 to 1.4-V input common-mode range to support ac- or dc-coupled inputs without an external ac-coupling capacitor, and an on-board clock divider to eliminate the need for an external divider. (From $4.10, ea/1,000 — available now.)
Maxim Integrated Products , Sunnyvale , CA
Information 800-998-8800
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