80-V converter makes ± regulated voltages
The LT3958 high-input voltage dc/dc converter targets boost, flyback, SEPIC and inverting power supply applications. It generates positive or negative regulated output voltages with its two voltage feedback error amplifiers and reference voltages. One set is for positive output voltages, the other is for negative output voltages, both off a single feedback pin.
The dc/dc converter operates over an input voltage range from 5 to 80 V, has an onboard 84 V/3.5 A power switch, and achieves efficiencies up to 96%, suiting it for industrial, automotive, medical, and telecom applications. It has a programmable fixed or synchronizable operating frequency from 100 kHz to 1 MHz. The device features programmable soft-start, adjustable input undervoltage lockout, and output overvoltage and overcurrent protection. (From $3.05 ea/1,000 — available now.)
Linear Technology , Milpitas , CA
Sales Office 408-428-2050
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