IXYS Corporation announced the availability of a new diode phase-leg in a DPak housing (TO-252) for high efficiency AC to DC rectification application with proven ruggedness and high surge current capabilities. “Our proven rectifier integration technology enables us to create this 800V phase-leg in a small SMD DPak with 60A of surge current rating at 175C. This DPak as a phase-leg, is a standard building block in power supplies, UPSs and inverters to create single phase, three phase or other multiphase rectifying bridges.
For example, it enables designers of a 1kW electronic inverter to develop a very compact and competitive SMD rectification circuit with low profile, with full flexibility with standard PCB manufacturing processes,” commented Jeroen van Zeeland, Head of Marketing of IXYS Semiconductor, GmbH in Germany.
The DLA5P800UC is an example of such standard rectifier with an average forward current of 5 Amperes and a Voltage of 800V. The maximum forward surge current is specified on 76 Amperes. This product family will be expanded and will have a Voltage range up to 1200 Volts in the near future.
IXYS targets to reduce the energy consumption and to contribute to the inverterization of electrical motor drives. The Micro Inverter Segment in the Industrial and Renewable Markets is demanding power semiconductor solutions which supply more productivity. The DLA5P800UC shows the needed design simplifications. The delivery form is in Tape and Reel.
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