The MCR20AVHM 802.15.4 wireless transceiver targets home automation and industrial control applications. The transceiver can be paired with Kinetis MCUs to implement low-power wireless protocols including Bluetooth, 6LoWPAN, Thread, and ZigBee.
The IC uses the 2.4 GHz frequency ISM band, including MBAN, and features -102 dBm receive sensitivity, up to + 8 dBm programmable output, and supply currents of 17 mA at 0 dBm TX and 19 mA in RX, typical. The IC has AES hardware encrypt/decrypt, a true random number generator, operation from 1.8 to 3.6 V over -40° to 105°C. It comes in a 5 x 5 LGA 32-pin package.
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