Simulator for integrated system design
System VHDL 2000 integrates the company's existing VHDL 2000 simulator
with its full-featured CADAT 2000 simulator. The new system provides a
certified pathway from VHDL to silicon for ASICs, and supports a mixture
of VHDL, gate-level logic, PLDs, FPGAs, component model libraries, and
hardware models. System VHDL 2000 also includes a hierarchical design
browser, multiple source display windows, graphical simulation results
comparison, a library maintenance browser, and automatic incremental
analysis of VHDL source during elaboration. The system runs on Sun and
700-series HP workstations. (Expected pricing $50,000 to $60,
000–available 4th qtr.) Racal-Redac, Mahwah, NJ Liz Toronto