HL4.AUG–Motorola, Inc.–RM
6834x lives on with yet more variants
Chips are aimed at personal communicator and entertainment devices, all
available in 3.3-V versions
The 68341 and 68349, like other 68300 ICs, are highly integrated chips
aimed at specific uses, in this case Compact Disc Interactive and personal
wireless communicators, respectively. The 341 uses the CPU32 (68020) core
microprocessor, and the 349 uses the CPU30 (68000). The 349 combines the
core with in instruction cache and on-chip RAM. It was designed to run
Magic Cap software developed and licensed by General Magic, an alliance
that includes Apple, AT&T, Sony, Matsushita, and Philips, as well as
Motorola. The 68341 combines the more powerful CPU32 core with a DMA
controller, dual serial port, timer, real-time clock, and system
integration module. It can talk to either 68000 or 68300 peripherals. The
company expects it to run the next generation of CD-I players, but its
features are not so specific as to preclude other uses. Both chips will
be supported by Microware's OS9 and C compiler. There are both 5- and 3.
3-V (“V” suffix) versions. Both come in a 160-pin plastic quad flatpack.
(16-MHz 68349, $28.20 ea/10,000; 16-MHz 68341, $21.65 ea/10,000–samples
now.) Motorola, Inc., Austin, TX Tom Starnes 512-891-2125
This 300-mW 68000-based chip will power a personal digital communicator,
running General Magic software.