Single-shot DSO is ultra-fast
Dual-channel scope samples at 5 Gsamples/s on both channels
The Model 9360, a 600-MHz bandwidth digital storage oscilloscope,
provides two fully independent channels that simultaneously sample at 5
Gsamples/s each. No other dual-channel single-shot DSO samples this fast.
(However, a single-channel plug-in module for the Hewlett-Packard 54720D
can digitize to 8 Gsamples/s.) The 9360's very high sampling rate allows
it to capture and characterize sub-nanosecond glitches as well as to
measure timing on sub-nanosecond edges and delays. Furthermore, its two
independent channels with simultaneous high-speed sampling allows the 9360
to precisely define timing relationships between signals. Other key
operating features help support the 9360's excellent single-shot
performance. For example, memory length per channel ranges from 500 points
to 20 Kpoints, depending on the scope's operating mode. And, because the
9360 acquires all signals in single-shot mode rather than in a repetitive
sampling mode, it provides fast screen update, a real-time view of
changing signals, and the ability to store many waveforms per second for
later analysis. A wide assortment of trigger facilities come with the
9360. In addition to edge and window trigger, these facilities include
glitch pulse width, interval width, state and edge qualified, dropout, and
TV triggers. Time and event holdoff are also provided. Standard
waveform-processing capabilities include basic waveform math and averaging.
Additional capabilities are available as options. IEEE-488 and RS-232
interfaces come with the 9360. A Centronics printer port is optional.
Other options include a DOS-compatible 3.5-in. floppy-disk drive for
storing waveforms, screen graphics, setups, and pass/fail templates. An
optional DOS-compatible memory card interface provides the same
capabilities at higher speed. And an optional built-in printer produces
full-resolution screen dumps in under 10 s. The 9360 comes with passive
probes, but 1-GHz active FET probes are available as an option. ($12,490;
extended waveform math software, $1,250; FFT-processing software, $1,250;
memory card and reader, $500; 3.5-in. floppy-disk drive, $590; built-in
printer, $890; active FET probe, $990–6 weeks ARO.) LeCroy Corp.
Chestnut Ridge, NY Mike Lauterbach 914-578-6020 Fax 914-578-5985 EEM
FILE 2900
The Model 9360 DSO provides real-time 5-Gsample/s sampling on each of its
two channels simultaneously.