Signal generator comes to 2.7 GHz
This synthesized rf signal generator, the Model 3221, has a frequency
range of 100 kHz to 2.7 GHz with 10-Hz resolution (20 Hz above 1.35 GHz)
and 0.05-ppm frequency accuracy. Modulation capabilities include seven rf
modes, fourteen combination modulation modes, and a GaAs FET modulator for
pulse work. Rf output levels range from +13 to -133 dBm in either dBm or
dBμ units, and a continuously variable <_2b_>5-dB range in 0.1-dB
increments facilities precision squelch adjustments. A programmable memory
stores 100 test setups for instant recall. Three “presets” are included
for commonly used output levels, and a 50-W reverse power protector (with
single-key reset) protects the unit. GPIB interface is standard. ($12,
300–stock.) Leader Instruments, Inc. Hauppauge, NY Joe Fisher
800-645-5104; in NY, 516-231-6900