Prescalers and gain block amps use HBTs
A family of GaAs static prescalers and Gain Block amplifiers is based on
the company's heterostructure bipolar transistor (HBT) technology. The
prescalers, which consist of divideby-4, -8, and -32 fixed functions, have
a dc to 14-GHz bandwidth and dissipate 360 mW from 5.2 to 6-V supplies.
The Gain Blocks provide 10 or 20 dB of gain over a dc to 10-GHz operating
range. They have a 50-ohm input/output impedance and dissipate less than
200 mW from 4 to 7-V supplies. The prescalers and Gain Blocks are
available in packaged and die form. (Die form 10-GHz Gain Blocks, $9.95
ea/1,000; die form divideby-eight prescalers, $14.95 ea/1,000–available
now.) Rockwell International Corp. Newport Beach, CA Deepak Mehrotra
805-375-1237 Fax 805-375-1268