
Pc-board CAD software runs under Windows

Pc-board CAD software runs under Windows

PCB-CAD is an integrated pc-board design and production package that runs
under Windows. Fully interactive, it has capabilities for schematic
capture, extracting parts lists and netlists, gridless autorouting, Gerber
photoplotting, and NC drill file outputs. The software can import and
export data between Maxroute/SuperRouter and import data back to the
layout editor. Minimum hardware requirements include an IBM 386 or
compatible with a math coprocessor, 8 Mbytes of RAM, an 80-Mbyte hard-disk
drive, DOS 3.3 or later, Windows 3.0, a VGA color monitor, and a mouse.
($4,000–available now.) Lehdar Systems Corp. Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ragsu Lehdar 604-683-1757 Fax 604-669-8250


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