
Military keyboard is illuminated

Military keyboard is illuminated

General and individual key illumination has been added to the company's
line of full-travel military keyboards (FTMKs). An individual keyswitch
lock-down feature is also available. The keyboards comply with MIL-E-5400,
MIL-E-16400, MIL-T-28800, MIL-STD-454, MIL-STD-461 shielding and
MIL-STD-810 environmentals. The environmental performance is achieved
without the use of adhesives. This simplifies installation and removal of
the keyswitch module, and allows for easy arrangement of any number of
individual keyswitch modules. The FTMK comes in two forms: the rapid data
entry module, which has a travel and switch feel similar to a standard
typewriter, and the snap-action function module, which has a positive
tactile feel and audible feedback typical of special function keyswitch
positions. The FTMK is available with an X-Y matrix electrical switch
closure output, or any of a range of electronic data interfaces that
produce standard ASCII code. (MIL-STD-1280, Type 1, Class 1 arrangement,
$1,200–18 to 22 weeks ARO.) IEE, Inc., Van Nuys, CA Michael Ragosta
818-787-0311, ext. 241 Fax 818-902-3723


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