Wideband variable-gain amp operates to 165 MHz
Device includes on-board input buffering and an output op amp
The CLC522 variable-gain amplifier (VGA) is a dc-coupled, two-quadrant
multiplier with differential voltage inputs and a single-ended voltage
output. With a signal-channel and gain-control channel bandwidth of 165
MHz (at 10 V/V), it is offered as the widest-bandwidth such device
available. The CLC522 is a complete VGA system that does not require
external buffering, unlike many of the high-speed two- and four-quadrant
multipliers that are currently available. Integrated with the device's
multiplier core are two input buffers and a fast output current-feedback
op amp. Two external resistors can be used to set the CLC522's maximum
gain anywhere between 2 and 100 V/V, providing a 40-dB voltage-controlled
gain. Gain-control nonlinearity over the full 40-dB gain-control range is
0.5% and gain accuracy at 10 V/V is +/-0.3%. The CLC522 is available in
14-pin plastic DIPs and SO packages. (From $9.26 ea/1,000–available now.
) Comlinear Corp., Fort Collins, CO Tom Baldwin 303-226-0500 Fax
The CLC522 is a complete variable-gain amplifier system with a
signal-channel and gain-control channel bandwidth of 165 MHz.