13-bit A/D includes RS-232 interface
Converter reduces chip count and improves system accuracy
The ML2223 is offered as the first A/D converter that outputs its data in
the RS-232 serial format. The device reduces the chip count in data
acquisition systems, medical equipment, test instruments, and
environmental controls by replacing five chips used in the remote
data-gathering units of these systems. The ML2223 contains a 13-bit A/D
converter, sample-and-hold amp, voltage reference, RS-232 UART, and
baud-rate generator. When integrated with a remote sensor in a
data-gathering unit, the device converts the sensor's analog readings into
a digital format, which is then sent over a two-wire RS-232 link to a
computer. By transporting analog sensor signals in digital format,
instead of sending them over lengths of wire to a nearby computer,
designers can improve both a system's accuracy and reliability, as well as
reduce costs. Rather than placing a computer next to each sensor, system
designers can use RS-232 connections–which can stretch up to 200 ft–to
feed the signals from many sensors into a single computer. The ML2223 can
convert an analog signal into a 13-bit digital value in 35.5 microsecond
and can transmit at speeds up to 200 kbits/s. The part has a maximum
nonlinearity error over temperature of +/-0.018%. It is available in
16-pin plastic DIPs. ($14.50 ea/1,000–available now.) Micro Linear Corp.
, San Jose, CA David Wong 408-433-5200
The ML2223 13-bit A/D converter outputs its data in the RS-232 serial