Software helps users meet ISO 9000
Complying with this increasingly important ISO spec made easier with
factory-floor management software
Many electronics manufacturers have either begun to or will soon have to
grapple with the task of achieving ISO 9000 certification (see “A look
inside ISO 9000,” p. xxx). Board Watch 9000 is a factory-floor management
software package that can help the manufacturer achieve this
certification. The software controls and monitors the flow of pc boards
through assembly and test. It also collects all data needed to document
process compliance and mount quality-improvement efforts. The software
enables the user to define the proper process flow through the factory and
to guarantee that each board meets all required test and inspections. The
software also maintains a list of skills needed to perform individual
tasks and records training received by production operators. It provides
log-on protection at each process step, thus ensuring only certified
operators perform each assembly and test step. For document control, the
software maintains an on-line master index of all assembly and test
process steps. The software also records, by serial number, production
data for each assembly as well as inspection, test, and repair actions.
BoardWatch 9000 runs on a VAX/VMS computer and over standard networks such
as Ethernet, RS-232 TCP/IP, and DECnet. (From $44,000–available now.)
Teradyne, Inc., Boston, MA Charla Gabert 617-422-3567