Instrumentation amp is low in cost
The INA114 is a low-cost precision general-purpose instrumentation amp.
Key maximum specifications include a 50-microvolt offset voltage, a 0.
25-microvolt/ degreesC offset voltage drift, and a 2-nA input bias
current. In addition, the device has 115-dB CMMR min, +/-40-V input
overvoltage protection, and quiescent current use of 3 mA max. A single
external resistor sets any gain from one to 10,000. The INA114 comes in
8-pin DIPs and 16-pin SO packages. (From $3.25 ea/1,000–stock.)
Burr-Brown Corp., Tucson, AZ Howard Hom 800-548-6132 Fax 602-889-1510