ICs simplify audio interface to cellular telephones
The TCM320AC3X voice-band audio processors (VBAPs) allow designers to
simplify the audio interface to cellular telephones. The single-chip
devices integrate the encoding, decoding, filtering, signal conditioning,
impedance matching, and interface timing functions necessary to transport
audio signals to and from the digital signal processor. The VBAPs operate
in either 13-bit linear or 8-bit companded modes; volume control is
provided in the linear mode for in-cellular telephone applications. The
devices are compatible with the EIA/TIA/IS-54 specification for U.S.
digital cellular telephones as well as the CCITT G.711 and G.712 μ-law
and A-law companding and filtering requirements. Power dissipation is less
than 40 mW typ from a single 5-V supply. (From $4.20 ea/1,000–available
now.) Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, TX Semiconductor Group
(SC-92-078) 214-995-6611, ext. 3990