
7-1/2-digit DMM offers exceptional performance at a modest price


7 1/2-digit DMM offers exceptional performance at a modest price

For $2,695 the user gets an abundance of measurement capabilities, very
fast throughput, and a broad range of other attributes

The Model 2001 digital multimeter provides a combination of precision,
speed, and functions unprecedented in a DMM anywhere near its price. For
$2,695 the user gets a true 7 1/2-digit (28-bit resolution) meter that
performs crest factor measurements, direct measurement of peak spikes,
measurements of ac peak, average, and true rms directly, and in-circuit
current measurements without breaking the circuit. And there's more:
adjustable trigger level for frequency measurements to 15 MHz,
thermocouple and RTD temperature measurement capability, four separate
outputs for limits testing and binning, and a built-in 10-channel scanner
with each channel capable of being programmed to handle a different
function. Then there's speed! The 2001 is certainly no slouch here, with
2,000 readings/s at 4 1/2 digits resolution. At 6 1/2 digits and full
accuracy, it can take up to 45 readings/s, nearly twice as many as the
fastest competitive units. Even at a true 7 1/2 digits, the 2001 takes 6
readings/s. Exceptionally fast autoranging–10 to 100 times faster than
most competitive DMMs–supports these very fast reading rates.
Furthermore, when the user sets the resolution, the reading rate
automatically defaults to a speed that ensures the highest accuracy.
Conversely, when the user specifies the reading rate, Model 2001 defaults to
the proper resolution for that speed. The 2001's accuracy is top of the
line, too. For example, 90-day basic dc voltage accuracy is a tight 18
ppm; 7 ppm for 24 hours. Basic ac voltage accuracy is 0.03%. Rounding out
the 2001's standard features is its capability to display multiple
measurements simultaneously on its 52-character display, outputs to any
printer on its parallel port, IEEE-488.2 and SCPI compatibility, and
built-in self-test that covers more than 75 percent of all of the DMM's
components. Compliance with VDE and UL standards, along with an input
voltage rating of 1,100 V and a high-to-earth rating of 1,600 enhances the
2001's safety. ($2,695–6 weeks ARO.) Keithley Instruments, Inc.
Cleveland, OH Dale Sigoy 216-498-2717


The Model 2001 combines speed, resolution, and accuracy with a broad
array of measurement functions.


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