POY4.JAN–November 25, 1992 RM Aptix
Programmable interconnect devices permit prototyping on the desktop
Field-programmable interconnect devices (FPICs) and boards incorporating
them promise to bring the design of interchip circuit-board schematics
into the cut-and-try world of reprogrammable FPGAs. Aptix Corp. has
overcome technical obstacles, especially in packaging, to make FPICs
possible. With 1,000 pins, the device is not exactly cheap, but like all
new semiconductor developments, it eventually will be. The company offers
two versions of the chip, as well as breadboards using them for all
interconnection between other ICs. The diagnostic part, FPIC/D, comes in a
sealed socket adapter, with 1,024 gold buttons that repeatedly mounts and
dismounts on a board with land-grid-array contacts. It has a 64-pin
diagnostic probe brought out in a ribbon cable that can be connected to a
logic analyzer or other bench tool. An interface pod called DP-HP1 for
the HP 16500 with its associated software was exhibited at the Design
Automation Conference last June. Schematic-capture tools, from OrCAD and
Zuken, also had demonstrations with the Aptix chip at the conference. The
Zuken software provides a direct interface to the Aptix diagnostic
software. The FPIC/R has the same architecture without the probe and is
meant for prototype replication. It could even be used, like programmable
logic, for small production runs, but at current prices only for very
expensive equipment. Its footprint is a mirror image of the FPIC/D, and the
/D can be attached to the opposite side of a board with /R parts on it for
debugging. Both devices have 940 interconnect pins and 20
power/initialization pins. Signal delays from 5 to 10 ns are possible for
critical paths, and the resistance is typically 150 ohms. Aptix offers
two breadboards, one for a full-size ISA slot with room for three FPICs,
the other a free-standing board with room for two. The individual FPICs
have a few lines connecting to neighboring FPICs. Their other pins all
connect to surrounding holes. Nearby ICs thus signal each other through
one FPIC only. Less time-critical connections can pass through more than
one. For customers that need to design their own circuit board with
FPICs, Aptix offers a circuit-board compiler that runs on a Sparc
platform. A development system also runs on Sparc. Viewlogic
schematic-entry tools for both PCs and workstations link to the
development system. (FPIC/R, $663 ea/100; FPIC/D, $2,938 each; development
system for Sun, $15,000; diagnostic software, $5,000; diagnostic software
with HP 16500 support, $7,500; pod for HP 16500, $769 each–60 days ARO.)
Aptix Corp., San Jose, CA Buck Feltman 408-428-6200 Fax 408-944-0646
The layout in an Aptix field-programmable circuit board can be altered on
the workstation while a logic analyzer helps troubleshoot.