Data acquisition unit connects to notebook/laptop PCs
The DAQPad-1200 is a small, lightweight data acquisition box that connects to
any PC via a parallel printer port. It is physically compatible with laptop and
notebook PCs, but can be used with any PC even if all of its slots are filled.
The unit measures 5.75 (W) x 8.38 (L) x 1.50 (H) in. and weighs 1.7 lb. It has
a 12-bit A/D converter that digitizes signals from eight single-ended or four
differential inputs at rates up to 100 Ksamples/s. The unit provides
programmable gains of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100; a 2-Ksample first-in
first-out A/D converter buffer; two 12-bit D/A converters with voltage outputs;
24 lines of TTL-compatible digital I/O; and three user-available 16-bit
counter/timer channels.
The DAQPad-1200 is fully software calibrated and software configurable, with no
jumpers or trimpots. It can sample in a variety of modes, including externally
timed acquisition, external trigger with pre- and post-trigger mode, and
interval scanning. With interval scanning, the DAQPad-1200 scans all selected
input channels at one rate, then delays a programmed interval before repeating
the scan. The DAQPad is compatible with the IEEE 1284 Enhanced Parallel Port
(EPP) standard and works with two types of ports–standard Centronics
(unidirectional) and the fast EPP ports–with data transferred at 100
Ksamples/s in the EPP mode. A second parallel port allows the user to
simultaneously connect the unit to a PC and a printer. Extensive software is
available for the DAQPad.
The DAQPad includes an ac adapter to supply power from a 120- or 220-Vac
outlet. An optional battery pack with charger can power the DAQPad-1200 for 9
to 12 hours. ($995–stock.)
National Instruments, Inc.
Austin, TX
Jerry Rodriguez 512-794-0100