
2.0-GHz PLL frequency synthesizer uses 0.6 W

2.0-GHz PLL frequency
synthesizer uses 0.6 W

The Q3236 phase-locked-loop frequency synthesizer operates up to 2 GHz and
requires less than 0.6 W of nominal power. The device features three
programmable control interface options including direct parallel, 8-bit bus,
and serial loading.
The Q3236 also includes an on-chip high-gain linearized phase/frequency
detector operating to 100 MHz and a divide-by-10/11 dual-modulus prescaler with
programmable feedback driver. The device operates from a +5-V supply and comes
in 44-pin PLCCs. ($29.95 ea/100–available now.)
Qualcomm Inc.
San Diego, CA
D'Ann Johnson 619-658-5005
Fax 619-658-1556


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