
10-, 12-bit ASAR A/D converters deliver highest throughput

10-, 12-bit SAR A/D converters
deliver highest throughput

Parts include a programmable input sequencer and on-chip voltage reference

Claiming to be the fastest such devices available, the AD7933/4/8/9 four- and eight-channel SAR A/D converters deliver throughputs as high as 1.5 Msamples/s with 10- and 12- bit resolution�making them suitable for instrumentation and high-resolution control-loop applications. The devices integrate several features and components that simplify system design and costs, such as an accurate software-configurable 2.5-V reference that eliminates the need for an external reference and that can supply 100 mV to 3.5 V to external devices.

The devices' inputs can be configured to accept single-ended differential signals, eliminating the need for external signal-conditioning circuitry. In addition, the parts include an on-chip programmable sequencer for custom channel-sampling routines.

Operating voltage is from 2.7 to 5.23 V, and power consumption is 8 mW at 3 V and 16 mW at 5 V. The four-channel 10- and 12-bit AD7933/4 are housed in 28-pin TSSOPs, while the eight-channel 12- and 10-bit AD7938/9 are housed in 32-pin LFCSPs. (Ea/1,000: AD7933, $3.50; AD7934, $7.10; AD7938, $7.35; AD7939, $3.75�samples available now.)

Analog Devices
Norwood, MA
Technical Support  800-262-5643
Fax  781-937-1021


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