
Green lasers suit low-cost apps

Green lasers suit
low-cost apps

With pricing from less than $90, a line of green Laser diode modules provides a low-cost solution for applications such as spectroscopy, particle measurement, medical tissue analysis, interferometry, holography, robotic control and flow visualization. The 37.39 (L) x 11(Dia) -mm model 2501 is a fixed focus CW diode-pumped laser diode module with a beam divergence of less than 1.2 mrad, and the 47.4 (L) x 12 (Dia)-mm model 2503 has a beam divergence of less than 0.8 mrad.

Both modules require 3 Vdc with operating current around 300 mA, and have a MTTF calculated to be over 3,000 hours. The laser's optical output is set to class II or IIIa at the factory. (From $89.95�available now.)

BEA Lasers, Elk Grove Village, IL
Vic Halkyn  847-238-1420


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