RF transformers are
RoHS compliant
The MABA-007159-000000, MABA-007236-C16423, MABAES0060, and the MABAES0061 50-W RF transformers are RoHS-compliant versions of the existing ETC1-1-13 components. The devices suit applications such as wireless communications, WLAN, WiMAX, and RFID.
Also available are 75-W versions for broadband/CATV applications. (MABA-007159-000000, $0.55 ea/10,000; MABA-007236-C16423, $0.60 ea/10,000; MABAES0060, $0.71 ea/10,000; MABAES0061, $0.65 ea/10,000�stock.)
M/A-Com, Lowell, MA
Pat Hindle 978-442-4825