
406-nm laser diode emits up to 210 mW

Enabling high-speed 6X recording on next-generation dual-layer DVDs, the GH04P21A2G blue-violet laser diode delivers a maximum pulsed optical output of 210 mW. Features include a max dc optical power of 105 mW, a threshold dc optical current of 40 mA, and a beam divergence of 9 (H) x 19 (V).

With a projected service life of 10,000 hours, the 406-nm device comes in a standard CAN package with 5.6-mm diameter. The laser diode can operate at temperatures up to 70C CW, 75°C pulsed. (Contact company for pricing and availability.)

Sharp Microelectronics of the Americas , Camas , WA
Sales 360-834-2500


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