
High-performance DSCs target smart-sensor, motor-control apps

High-performance DSCs target smart-sensor, motor-control apps

Low-cost controllers feature small size and 40-MIPS performance

Two low-cost versions of 16-bit digital signal controllers, the dsPIC33FJ12GP and the dsPIC33FJ12MC, are optimized for smart sensor and motor control, respectively. The 40-MIPS devices feature 18-, 20- and 28-pin packagessome as small as 6 x 6 mm.

High-performance DSCs target smart-sensor, motor-control apps

Using libraries and filter design tools, digital filters implemented in the dsPIC33FJ12GP can replace analog filters. The chips’ fast 1.1-Msample/s A/D converters permit signal oversampling, and the IC has sufficient performance and resources to serve as the sole processor in many smart-sensor signal and spectral-analysis applications.

The motor-control version can perform complex algorithms, such as field-oriented control, enabling the next level of high-performance, low-noise, and power-efficient control systems. The chip has two independent clock sources for advanced control algorithms and active power factor correction using a single DSC.

The devices use a modified Harvard architecture and have 16-bit-wide data path with 24-bit-wide instructions. They have 12 Kbytes of flash and 1 Kbyte of RAM, an A/D converter with up to six channels, and a user-selectable 10- or 12-bit mode, plus a UART, an SPI, and a I2C port. (From $1.99 ea/10,000—available now.)

Microchip Technology , Chandler , AZ
Sales 480-792-7200


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