Available in 100- and 140-W TO-247 packages, the MHP Series power resistors suit applications requiring accuracy and stability. The resistors are designed with an alumina ceramic layer that separates the resistance element and mounting tab to provide low thermal resistance and high insulation resistance between the terminals and the metal back plate.
Offered in values from 0.01 to 220 Ω, the resistors come in inductances of less than 50 nH, and are rated at 700 V. Absolute tolerances are to ±1% and ±5%, absolute TCRs are to ±100ppm/°C, and operating temperature range is 40° to 85°C. ($4.58 ea/1,000—stock to 10 weeks.)
TT Electronics IRC Advanced Film Div. , Corpus Christi , TX
Gary Bleasdel 361-992-7900
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