
EPExtra –

SpinVox service converts voicemails to text messages

by Bryan DeLuca

Alltel Wireless and SpinVox launched a new service called Voice2TXT. Available on any Alltel Wireless SMS text-message-capable phone, it quickly converts incoming voicemails to text messages in the customer’s inbox.

RF/microwave design seminars

by Ralph Raiola

Beginning in January 2008, EDA software developer Ansoft (Pittsburgh, PA) hosts a number of technical sessions on EMI Control and Antenna/RF Design.

Nvidia launches new community site for HPC developers

by Bryan DeLuca

Nvidia has launched CUDAZone, a community resource dedicated to HPC developers working with GPUs. CUDA is the world’s only C language environment for the GPU. Since its launch in February 2007, it has helped engineers, scientists, geophysicists, and others discover new ways to process the vast amounts of data required by their work and deliver speed upward of anywhere from 45X to 400X.

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Next month

Power Special

Power suppliesdevices or circuits that provide a known voltage and current outputare the lifeblood of electronic products, from the smallest portables to complex distributed networks. This special will feature contributed articles examining some of the key issues and trends in designing, selecting, and using a wide range of supplies.

Test & Measurement Tools

This contributed article will focus on some of the latest developments in test and measurement products, such as oscilloscopes and digital multimeters.

Programmable Logic

This article will cover trends in programmable logic and application-specific ICs with a focus on device selection for the design engineer.

Product Update: Resistors & Capacitors

This Product Update will feature a sampling of recent resistors and capacitors of all types.

Roundup: Wire & Cable

This roundup will cover the latest developments, including a sampling of recently announced wire and cable products.

Application Focus: Medical Electronics

This article on medical electronics will combine an industry overview with product and technology coverage in one or more of the following areas: Passives and Electromechanical Components, Connectors and Sockets, Sensors & Transducers, Analog & Digital ICs, Power Sources, and Optoelectronics.

Military/Aerospace Forum

This special section will include the results of a teleconference with a panel of industry participants, as well as a product roundup covering recently released products targeting military/aerospace applications.


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