Battery charger IC supports Li-ion single-, dual-cell apps
Operates from ac adapter or USB port
The AAT3663 is the first in a family of 1-A linear battery charger ICs capable of charging up to two Li-ion cells in series. Designed to operate from an ac adapter or a USB port, it features a digital thermal loop charge-reduction circuit that monitors the internal die temperature and gradually steps down the charge current to avoid thermal shutdown.
The charger IC operates across a 4 to 13.2-V input voltage range and supports user-programmable charge current from 100 mA up to 1 A via an external resistor. The device’s quiescent current is less than 6 µA.
The charger’s intelligent digital-thermal-loop charge-reduction circuit optimizes battery charge rate by constantly measuring die temperature and adjusting the charge current to compensate for thermal conditions. Unlike many competitive parts, this system allows the charger to continue charging even under harsh environmental conditions, therefore minimizing charge time.
The AAT3663 also has a programmable charge-termination current feature that sends the device into sleep mode if the charging current dips below a predefined threshold. An integrated programmable charge timer can be used to shut down charging functions if a defective battery cell or a disconnection to the battery current path is detected. ($1.38 ea/1,000 available now.)
Advanced Analogic Technologies , Sunnyvale , CA
Karolien Cools-Wittry 408 737 4600
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