
MILPRF-123 devices offer enhanced specs

Available in molded radial, molded axial, and two-pin dip-leaded configurations, an expanded line of MILPRF-123 devices includes improved capacitances, higher voltages, and new tolerances. Capacitances range from 0.1 pF in axial leads to 0.47 µF in radial leads, while voltage ratings range from 50 to 200 V for both types.

Enhanced products include the CKS05 and CKS06 molded radial products as well as the CKS11, CKS12, CKS14, CKS15, and CKS16 molded axial products. (Ea/100: radial devices, from $27.50; axial devices, from $45—28 weeks ARO.)

AVX , Myrtle Beach , SC
Tim Piver 843-444-2892


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