PC scopes act as spec analyzers, sig gens too
The USB 2.0-based PicoScope 2203, 2204 and 2205 PC oscilloscopes can each perform not only as a two-channel scope, but also as a spectrum analyzer and a signal/arbitrary-waveform generator. Bandwidths are 5, 10, and 25 MHz with respective sampling rates of 40, 100, and 200 Msamples/s in single-channel mode.
The PC scopes have two BNCs for input and one for waveform output. Units come with Windows-compatible PicoScope 6 applications software, which can save data in various formats that include CSV, PNG, BMP, and MATLAB binary, and with drivers/examples for LabVIEW, C, C++, Delphi, and Visual Basic. (From £159 plus VAT, delivery — available now.)
Pico Technology , St. Neots , Cambridgeshire , U.K.
Stephanie Corbett 011-44 1480 396 395
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